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Further Information

As described on the MahaDarbar home page, MahaDarbar is a council of ascended masters, deities and saints from across all religions and faiths.

Ultimately the goal of MahaDarbar is for each soul to reach its highest potential.
In order to get to that point, you have to confront the blockages in your life.
If there are blockages on your spirit, this can effect some or all aspects of your life. For example; relationship problems, financial troubles and general feeling of malaise (depression, anxiety or general feeling of unease and lack of focus and much more).

Blockages on your spirit can come from, accrued bad karma and negative ancestral influences which can affect your genetics and DNA. For example; addiction problems and inherited, negative personality traits. Blockages can also come from malevolent spirits, Jinns, curses and hauntings. MahaDarbar can help with removing these blockages on your spirit to allow positive forces to enter your life to bring clarity, strength and change.

The MahaHealing package which we offer, per person, is completely governed by the council that is MahaDarbar. They will target any area of your life, past, present and future to remove hindrances on your spirit to allow your life to take its most divinely blessed course – the end result may not be what you have strictly envisioned for yourself.

In order to take on MahaHealing you have to surrender yourself to the divine power which is MahaDarbar and trust that they will do everything in your best interest.

We strictly advise you NOT to take on MahaHealing if you are not prepared to accept the powerful impact it can have on your life.

MahaDarbar has an extensive history and huge success rate in bringing in potent shifts in the areas that MahaDarbar deems necessary for positive change.

If you decide to proceed with MahaHealing, it is important that you are aware of the process and how it will affect your life going forward.

MahaHealing is put into place for you during a weeklong powerful prayer session once a month.

These prayers are conducted on your behalf, (you are not required to do anything) by a group that MahaDarbar have chosen to represent their spiritual movement on earth.

Once the Mahahealing has been initiated, please be aware of the following:

    • People/situations that are impacting you very negatively, may slowly fall away from
      your life to make way for a better way of living. These could be family or friends that secretly harbour negative thoughts for you.
    • You may temporarily feel a sense of emptiness as old stagnant negativity leaves your
      energy field, making way for newer brighter energy which will in turn attract better positive forces and experiences into your life.
    • In many cases, blessed situations appear very quickly but in some they may take time
      to manifest for you, so you will require patience and faith.
    • MahaHealing will uncover attitudes and energies within you that are no longer right
      for you in the new positive energy wave that is coming into your life. It is important that once recognised you do not keep falling back into old energies (e.g anger, resentment, jealousies, negative & pessimistic attitudes). These no longer serve you and
      the new energy that God is pushing your way. YOU have a major part to play in changing your life, with the support of the MahaHealing
    • Some situations may arise temporarily which seem negative. Please note, this can be
      due to certain karma that you are predestined to go through, but the MahaHealing will ensure it will be less severe in nature and duration, or the MahaHealing will eradicate it altogether – this is dependent on each individual soul.
    • You may also find that your spirit would like to become closer to God. If your want
      is pure, then God will reveal the highest pathways to reach him.
    • The MahaHealing can affect your life immediately or gradually over time.
    • Alternative healing methods or different practitioners may become available to you on your healing journey.

We don’t offer face to face or phone consultations; this is not necessary for your healing.

If you choose to take on MahaHealing, please let us know your name and a brief description of the problem via the contact link on the homepage. If you are contacting us on someone’s behalf, please include their name and brief description of the problem/s they are experiencing.

Once payment has cleared, we will include you on the next scheduled MahaHealing.

Cost of MahaHealing, per person, is £29.99.