Having undergone MahaHealing, we are able to offer MahaRevived.
We are creatures of habit, because we don’t know or haven’t experienced anything different, we tend to go back to what we know, or where we feel safe, even though it may not have been in our best interest – We just don’t have the strength to choose differently.
To build on what MahaHealing has done for you – to lock you in – to achieve your best potential – MahaDarbar have put into place MahaRevived.
MahaRevived will guide you to choose differently. The gentle force of MahaRevived will bring your true-self forward – to be uplifted and confident bringing in new opportunities that may not have previously been available to you.
MahaRevived will bring strong changes to your life, instantly or gradually over time.
It is up to you to TRUST and support the process – by not running back to old comfortable habits and ways of living that no longer serve you.
Do not proceed with MahaRevived if you are not confident – Some find MahaHealing is sufficient for them
Please note: We can only open up MahaRevived if you have received MahaHealing.